Regular expressions, RE are always between / /
- .
- Matches any single character
- [abc]
- Matches a single occurence of one of the given characters
- [^aA]
- Matches a single occurence of any of the NOT-given characters
- *
- Matches zero or more occurences of the previous single character
RE - +
- Matches one or more occurences of the previous single character
RE - ?
- Matches zero or one occurences of the previous single character
RE - ^
- Matches the begining of a line
- $
- Matches the End Of Line
- n
- Matches an embedded newline
- .
- Matches a literal .
- {x,y}
- Matches between y an y occurences of the previous single character
RE - {x,}
- Matches miminum of x occurences of the previous RE ( /.{65,}/
matches lines of at least 65 characters. - {x}
- Matches exact x occurences of the previoussingle character RE
- [:digit:]
- [0123456789]
- [0-9]
- Matches any digit (fitst form, character clas only works within [
] - [:alnum:]
- [0-9A-Za-z]
- Matches any alphanumeric character (fitst form, character clas only
works within [ ]