

Regular expressions, RE are always between / /

Matches any single character
Matches a single occurence of one of the given characters
Matches a single occurence of any of the NOT-given characters
Matches zero or more occurences of the previous single character
Matches one or more occurences of the previous single character
Matches zero or one occurences of the previous single character
Matches the begining of a line
Matches the End Of Line
Matches an embedded newline
Matches a literal .
Matches between y an y occurences of the previous single character
Matches miminum of x occurences of the previous RE ( /.{65,}/
matches lines of at least 65 characters.
Matches exact x occurences of the previoussingle character RE
Matches any digit (fitst form, character clas only works within [
Matches any alphanumeric character (fitst form, character clas only
works within [ ]

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