
Veritas clusters

Nice gui

Service groups and Resources

hagrp [ -add | -delete | -online | -offline ] <grpname>
Configure Service groups
hares [ -add | -delete ] <res_name> <type> <group>
hares [ -online | -offline ] <res_name> -sys <system_name>
Modifiy resourses
haagent [ -start | -stop ] <agent_name> -sys <system_name>
Modifiy agents

Basic Configuration

hagrp -modify <grpname> <attribute> <attr_val>
hagrp -list <grpname>
hagrp -value <attribute>
Configure Service groups
hares -modify <res_name> <attribute> <attr_val>
hares -link <res_name> <res_name>
Modifiy resourses
haagent -display <agent_name> -sys <system_name>
hatype -modify
Modifiy agents

VCS Engine Operations

hastart [ -force | -stale ] <syste_name>
hasys -force <syste_name>
Starting had (High Availablility Daemon)
hastop [ -local | -all | -force | -evacuate ]
hastop -sys <system_name>
Stopping had (High Availablility Daemon)
hauser -add <username>
Add Users

Status and Verification

hagrp [ -display <group_name> | -state | -resource <group_name> ]
Group status/verification
hares -display <res_name>
hares -list;
hares -probe <res_name> -sys <system_name>
Resources status/verification
haagent -list;
haagent -display <agent_name> -sys <system_name>
Agent status/verification
hastatus -group
VCS Status
lltconfig -a <list>
LLT status/verification
gabconfig -a
gabdiskhb -l
GAB status/verification


lltconfig [ -c | -U ] <list>
Starting and stopping LLT
gabconfig -c -n #<seed_number>
gabconfig -U
Starting and stopping GAB


hagrp [ -clear | -flush | -switch ] <group_name> -sys <system_name>
Administering group services
hares [ -clear | -probe ] <res_name> -sys <system_name>
Administering resources
haagent -list
haagent -display <agent_name> -sys <system_name>
Administering Agents
hacfg -veriffy
Verfiy Configuration


  • Web interface for management is on http://:3000
  • The only way to join a cluster is by booting it in cluster mode
  • # clinfo
    if $? = 0 the system is in clustermode if $? = 1 not
# scstat [ -g | -W | -q ]
Status of the resource-groups, heartbeat LAN, quorum disk.
# scdpm
DiskPath Monitoring
# scconf –p
Cluster information – read:
# scconf [-a | -r ] -q globaldev d7
Add or remove d7 as quorumdisk
# scconf -c -q node=<node>,mainstate
Put <node> in maintenance state, remove votes from other nodes and quorum so <node> can run the cluster alone.
# scshutdown -y -g30
Shut down the cluster after a grace period of 30 seconds
# scrgadm
Resourcegroup management
# scswitch
Put resources groups online, switch to another node etc.

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