Dump mySQL databases to .csv

This script converts each table in each mySQL database found into a .csv-file.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Name         mySQL2csv.pl
# Description : 
# Convert database tables to csv files
# Limitations:
#     It doesn't look very efficient looping over a hash for each row
# usage: 
# mySQL2csv.pl
##### Standard code, think twice before modifying. Modify template too. ###

use strict;
use DBI;

$0 =~ s:.*/::;

##### End of standard code, think twice before modifying. Modify template too. ###
my ($dsn, $dbh, $sth, $database, $table, $sql, $key, $hash_ref, $outline, $outfile);

my @databases = ();
my @tables = ();
my @fields = ();

 my $serverName = "localhost";
 my $serverPort = "3306";
 my $serverUser = "root";
 my $serverPass = "ThePassword";

@databases = DBI->data_sources("mysql", {"host" => $serverName, "port" => $serverPort, "user" => $serverUser, "password" => $serverPass});

foreach $dsn (@databases) {
    print ("Database: $dsn \n");

# If you don't need all databases select what you do want to see
    if ( $dsn =~ /pattern/ ) {
         $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $serverUser, $serverPass) ||die "Unable to connect to database";
         @tables = $dbh->tables();
         foreach $table (@tables) {
             $outfile = $table;
             $outfile =~ s/\`//g;
             $outfile =~ s/\./_/g;
             $outfile .= ".csv";
             open (OUTFILE, "> $outfile") || die("Open failed for $outfile");
            print ("table: $table $outfile\n");
            $sql = "select * from $table";
            $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
            @fields = @{$sth->{NAME}};
            print OUTFILE join(",",@fields)."\n";
            while ( $hash_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
                  foreach $key (@fields) {
                       $outline .= $hash_ref->{$key}.",";
                  chop $outline;
                  print OUTFILE $outline."\n";
                  $outline = "";
            close OUTFILE;
    } # End of $dsn-selection


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