Evolution – Google synchronization

Email, calender, contacts, task and more. I synchronize the calender with ‘google calender’. Two thing are needed, a google calender and a synchronization subscription.

Found at http://www.ehow.com/how_4488736_sync-evolution-calendar-google-calendar.html but this does not work the same in my Evolution version 2.28.3. This is what I did.

  1. Open the Evolution email program.
  2. Click the “Calendars” tab on the bottom-left side of the window.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select “Calendar Type: Google.”
  4. Enter the name you’d like to assign the new calendar. This is what Evolution will call the calendar; it does not have to be your Google Calendar login.
  5. Enter your Google Calendar username. Include “@gmail.com.
  6. Set the refresh rate. This is the number of minutes that will pass between calendar syncs.
  7. Select a color for your Google Calendar. This is the color that will be used in Evolution to differentiate it from your other calendars.
  8. Click “OK.”
  9. Enter your Google password in the text box.
  10. Click “OK.”

Next to this you have to subscribe to the google calender from the commandline as described on lifehacker.com

  1. Find the private google calender URL,
    1. Goto Google calender
    2. Click settings (top of page), select ‘Calender Settings’
    3. ClickCalenders
    4. Click your calender name
    5. Click the ICAL button for the ‘Private Address’
  2. On your system running Evolution (I have it on a Ubuntu system) exectute:
    /usr/lib/evolution-webcal/evolution-webcal YOUR_PRIVATE_ICAL_URL
  3. Answer the questions in the window that appears now

A new read only calender will be added to Evolution. Display both the web and the google calender. Synchronized appointments will be show twice now.

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