Perl database functions

A library of database functions, using just DBI

# Name
# Description :
#  Perl library for database functions
sub dbFunctions {
 print "Functions in dbfunctions.pmn";
 print "====================n";
 print "openDBn";
 print "   Open the mysql database.n";
 print "doDBI (<SQL>) n";
 print "   Execute <SQL> on database opened on dbhn";
 print "   Returns the result as stringn";
 print "doCursor (dbh, <SQL>) n";
 print "   Execute <SQL> on database opened on dbhn";
 print "   Returns the result as an array (foreach on it returns strings)n";
 print "doCursorAoA (<SQL>) n";
 print "   Execute <SQL> on database opened on dbhn";
 print "   Returns an array of array references (foreach on it returns arrays)n";
# open de database. Returns the handler where the database is openend on.
# call like $DBH = &opendb()
sub openDB {
 my $serverName = "localhost";
 my $serverPort = "3306";
 my $serverUser = "theuser";
 my $serverPass = "thepassword";
 my $serverDb = "thedatabase";
 my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$serverDb;host=$serverName;port=$serverPort;user=$serverUser;password=$serverPass");
 return ($dbh);
# Just executing some SQL, returns the result as string
# call like $result = &doDBI($DBH,'SQL statement')
sub doDBI {
 my ($dbh,$SQL) = @_;
 my $rv = $dbh->do($SQL);
 return ($rv)
# For select statement that return a single field from multiple rows
# call like @result = &doCursor($DBH,'SQL statement')
sub doCursor {
 my ($dbh,$SQL) = @_;
 my @Return = ();
 my @Field = ();
 my $cursor;
 # print "$SQL n";
 $cursor = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
 while ( @Field = $cursor->fetchrow ) {
 return (@Return)
# For select statement that return a multiple fields from multiple rows
# call like:
#   @result = &doCursor($DBH,'SQL statement')
#   foreach $dummy (@result) {
#        ($field1,$field2,$field3) = @dummy;
#   }
sub doCursorAoA {
 my ($dbh,$SQL) = @_;
 my @Return = ();
 my @Field = ();
 my $cursor;
 $cursor = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
 while ( @Field = $cursor->fetchrow ) {
  push @Return, [ @Field ];
 return (@Return)


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